Friday, May 11, 2012

Tech. Nostradamus

Our entanglement with technology is extremely tight and extensive. The future will only lead towards more advancements from transportation to communication and it will lead to a stronger dependance on technology (as depicted in Wall-E). The world is already at a tipping point, but I will show you a glimpse of what is to come.

Fat Holder
At present our society is facing an obesity epidemic, which has forced innovators to develop a new device that will help overweight individuals during surgery. This device uses suction to lift up the patient's belly. During surgery a patient's breathing can be disrupted by their own weight, and this device helps solve that problem.

This is a completely ridiculous technology! This device is meant to serve as a tool to help with a problem that has been attributed to the use of certain technologies. The average person spends about 6 hours a day in front of a screen a day. With a lack of exercise the chance of becoming obese is astronomical. Being that this cannot be changed, people created this absurd device.

Cerebral Connection
Something else on the vast horizon is the ability to use a computer via brain waves.
"The devices works by first isolating the brain waves they filter out electrical interference from man-made appliances and physical movements, such as blinking and the grinding of teeth. Then they map the brain waves to mental states, emotions or thoughts using proprietary algorithms."- Alastair Gee (
This technology will only deepen our need for constant electronic stimulation. Right now this technology is still a little choppy, but researchers believe that it will be perfected in the next 5 years.

I don't know what the future has in store for us as a society. I like to think that we will somehow return to nature, but that is the boy scout in me. We need not enter panic mode yet, but with some of the above technologies I fear that we are treading on thin ice. One day we will look back and say, "I wish this never would have existed." Anyway, I have posted a short dramatization of what Microsoft thinks the future will look like. Enjoy!