Friday, January 20, 2012

We are the youth of a nation dominated by iAddiction

Since the day I was able to read, I have had the ability to connect to the World Wide Web. Even though the first 8 years of our relationship was bumpy and on occasion I would get dropped from my after school gaming session after warming up my dial-up for an hour and only getting a 15 minutes of play time, I still made this charade a ritual.

I have found through my years of observing the evolution of technology that my generation and those that follow have had the knot tightened to new media and technology. According to numerous studies, this "knot" has actually become more of an addiction.

In an article from Psychology Today, young people of today are getting a "rush" from the constant stimulation from technology. I can't say I've had a case of shakes from unplugging myself for more than five seconds, but according to WebMd I am a fluke!

The author tells us that our modern lifestyle of being able to complete all of our tasks on the go is both a godsend and a curse. To me it seems that only a certain few are affected by this so-called "addiction". My family has a history of chemical addiction, so it is hard for me to label people as addicts to electronics. Honestly, it makes me feel like psychologists are squeezing lemons into wounds inflicted victims of chemical dependency.

However, I am a person that cannot deny science, so when I read this article from The Telegraph I found that maybe this phenomenon can be proven. Scientists did a study of over 150 students from Bournemouth University, in which the students had to keep a journal of their thoughts throughout the day when they couldn't use their devices.

In a nutshell the study found that the students felt that their bond to technology was much like a chemical dependency. Though it was the journal entries that disturbed me a little bit, "I felt like a helpless man on a lonely deserted island in the big ocean”.
Courtesy of
To me addiction to technology for this generation is very much based on each individual's connection to the virtual world and a preference for interacting in this environment. I can confidently say that I can use technology in a tactful way, in which I can disconnect and join the rest of masses. My relationship with media is strictly plutonic and I plan to keep it that way for the greatest joy in my life is seeing the emotions I invoke in those around me.

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